Startups and young innovative and knowledge-based firms mergers: an antitrust issue?
Camila C. Pires-Alves (UFRJ), Manuel Gonzalo (UFRJ) and Marcos Puccioni de Oliveira Lyra (UFRJ)
Leniency and cooperation programs in Brazil: an empirical analysis from 1994 to 2014
Fernanda Mariana da Silva Lima (UERJ), Lucia Helena Salgado (UERJ) and Eduardo Pedral Sampaio Fiuza (IPEA)
Origins of antitrust law in Brazil
Luiz Carlos Delorme Prado (UFRJ) and Pedro Navarrete (UFRJ)
Simon Roberts (University of Johannesburg)
Alex Kühn (The Competition Commission of South Africa) and Mfundo Ngobese (The Competition Commission of South Africa)
S. Avdasheva (Higher School of Economics), S. Golovanova (Higher School of Economics), Y. Katsoulacos (Athens U. Econ. Bus.)
Community detection as a screening device for bid-rigging: the case of Brazilian procurement tenders
Eduardo Pedral Sampaio Fiuza (UFRJ)
Using worker flows to measure firm dynamics in Brazil – entry, exit and mergers
Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro (UFRJ), Carlos Henrique Corseuil (IPEA), Danilo Santa Cruz Coelho (IPEA) and Luciene Souza (PUC-Rio)
Economic cartel damages: harm to competition, private damage and optimal fine
Fabiana Tito (Tendencias)
Collusive benchmark rates fixing
Nuria Boot (DIW Berlin), Timo Klein (Amsterdam U.) and Maarten Pieter Schinkel (Amsterdam U.)
Cartel damage evaluation: a case study of the liquefied petroleum gas sector in Pará, Brazil
José Féres (IPEA) and Nathalie Gressler Afonso (FGV)
Competition policy evaluation through damage estimation in fuel retail cartel
Simone Maciel Cuiabano (Ministry of Finance)
Felipe Renault Coelho da Silva Pereira (University of Edinburgh)
Assessing competition in Brazil’s electricity market if bid-based system dispatch were adopted
Richard L. Hochstetler (FGV)
Marcela Mattiuzzo (USP)
Lucas V. Motta (UFPE) and Francisco S. Ramos (UFPE)
Tainá Leandro (ANCINE) and Victor Gomes (UNB)
Event study applied to merger’s analysis: theory and cases in Brazil
Sergio A. de Souza (UFC), Pedro R. Fernandes (Iplanfor) and Lucia Helena Salgado (UERJ)
Bruno Bastos Becker (USP)
Bernardo Gouthier Macedo (LCA), Sílvia Fagá de Almeida (LCA) and Paulo Adania (LCA)
Should competition authorities care about conglomerate mergers?
Paulo Furquim de Azevedo (Insper) and Carolina Policarpo Garcia (FGV)
Recapture ratios in merger analysis
Serge Moresi (Charles River Associates) and Hans Zenger (European Commission)
Tacit Semi-Collusion
Leonardo J Basso (U. Chile) and Tom Ross (UBC) [Invited Paper]